September 30, 2010


I don't want to write right now because....


September 29, 2010

Today's the Day

Well everyone, today's the day!
The day my husband comes home.
I never thought this day would come. But it has. And I can't seem to believe it.

The hubby left this morning before the sun came up and was on his second bus still before the sun came up. The ride home is long but not nearly as long as when we traveled home on the other side of the border. Either way, we are both super-de-duper excited that the wait is finally over. We will finally be together!

More news and pictures to come! Stay tuned! :o)

September 26, 2010

Venting, Forgive Me

Have you ever you been in a situation where you go through a lot? Either physically, emotionally, or in some other way. You suffer and most of the time no one even sees it. You suck it up.
Then once people around you become aware of a problem in your life, they try to give you advice. They tell you how bad they've had it and how they know how you feel. Some even dare to tell you that others or even they themselves have it worse than you. So don't fret. Get over it.
Yes, I believe that there are worse things going on in the world, to people, and that what I've gone through doesn't even come close. But don't tell me you know how it is. Please don't try to empathize with me because the more you try, you just end up digging yourself a hole.

I'm sorry. A few comments made in the past few days have just sent me over the edge and I needed to post this so I don't end up going off on someone who doesn't deserve it. So please forgive me for this! I just needed to vent.

September 25, 2010

Name Change

Well it's almost time for me to legally change my name, finally! Most of you probably don't know this but I haven't changed my name since getting married. So as soon as Mr. H gets here, we'll be heading all over town. It will be kind of a pain in the butt to have to go through the long list of places in order to take on my married name but in a way it will be good; the hubby will get to see the whole town.

So speaking of names changing, do you think the name of this blog sucks? A few have made comments that we should change the name of the blog.  I kind of want to now that I'm not only a semi-new bride, but also a soon to be mom. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd be a mom soon. Wow. So let me know what you think. If I do end up changing it, I will probably keep the same URL. So no worries, you won't have to change your subscription or anything. It will just be a change on the heading of the blog.

September 24, 2010

Fast Pray-ers

Thanks you guys for praying!
Not 10 minutes after I posted my last blog, did my husband call.
He is doing great! They told him that it usually takes two days after they stamp his visa, but the guy told him that everything is all printed out and Marcos could very well receive the paperwork today or tomorrow. [These papers and his newly stamped passport are sent to the DHL down the street from the consulate.] So YAY God! I could pick him up tomorrow or Sunday. Of course I'd rather it be tomorrow but I'm happy for any day this weekend!
He's finally coming y'all!

Dead Battery?

Pray for the hubby.
He's in Juarez to pick up his visa.
He was supposed to call me this morning when he finished at the consulate. I haven't heard from him, yet. I tried to call him but it goes right to voicemail. I have a feeling that his battery is dead.
Just pray that he's fine and everything is going perfectly smooth!

September 22, 2010

! ! !

This has been an awesome day!
I woke up to a phone call from the consulate, telling me that husband needs to get there to pick up his visa.
What better way to wake up is there?
I haven't been able to calm down since. I want to wake up and have it be the day that I get to pick him up from the bus. I want to hug him!!
I can't wait to finally be us again.
Thank you God!
And thanks to all of you who have been praying like crazy for us.
The wait is finally over!

September 20, 2010

Almost Done Waiting

I made banana bread today while being totally bored out of my mind.
Trying to just sit back and trust God that Marcos will be here.
I hope this waiting is almost over.
I have faith that it is.

In the mean time
The banana bread tastes good

September 19, 2010


After not writing for a month, being in Mexico for two of those weeks, I am finally back. I no longer have to travel to find an internet connection which should make it easier to update all you lovely faces out there.
As my belly has been growing this past month I've been pretty busy. While I was back in Illinois for the baby shower I was praying a lot about how this little person would end up changing my life, forever.
After long hours of crying and begging God for answers I got an email. The email I've been waiting a year for. Your husband's visa is completed. His interview is on September....blah blah blah. Me and my pregnant self were just bouncing off the walls. The rest isn't even important.
Since then, my husband has had his interview and now we are just waiting for approval from the consulate to cross. We were told this could take a few weeks but could check every Monday for the green light.
Thankfully tomorrow is Monday again and we will be able to check for the "go ahead."
The baby and I are both ready for daddy to be here to experience the rest of the pregnancy and to finally be home.
Thank you all for praying this past year and especially these past two weeks.
Our trip (yes, I went with) went perfectly smooth and even enjoyed being in Juarez. It was a great time for my husband and I to have some alone time. The people there were extremely nice and it was almost even pretty compared to where we're from in Mexico. The only bad thing I can think of is that the food was expensive.
Now I'm back in the states. Waiting again. Hopefully this time it will only be for a few days!

September 10, 2010


The day has finally come. My husband is in his interview as we speak. He actually had it this morning at 10:15. Now it's about 12:30 and he still hasn't come back to the hotel. Oh how I hope that all is going well. It's nearly impossible for me to know how long it's going to take; they don't tell you anything beforehand. Thankfully we packed light and I didn't have to haul too much down to the lobby alone.
For now, I'm just sitting here in the lobby waiting for him to walk through the doors with great news.
Thankfully out trip here went smoothly and God blessed us with amazing friends of friends who allowed us to stay with them until the hotel let us check in. Not only that but they picked us up at 3 o'clock in the morning from the bus.
I have to say, I feel foolish sitting here. I keep looking over to the door hoping to see his face. I truly had no idea it would take so long.
[Please God, let everything be going fine great and let him walk through that front door now.] Oh, I'm worried. [PLEASE]