November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey Day

Feliz Dia del "Turkey" everyone!!!

Can you believe it? It's Thanksgiving and we're coming up on the last month of the year already! Wow.
Ok, I can believe it. Unlike other years, this one seems to have crept by, slowly.
This is Marcos and I's third holiday season together, which does not seem possible. So I guess in the sense, it has gone by fast. Just not this past year.
We finally decided to have turkey for dinner. Big surprise, right? My mom was aiming to buy a chicken instead along with a ham so that my sister could be content. But when the time came to shop, she found that because she was buying a ham, she would, in turn, receive the turkey free. So sadly, we will be filling ourselves with the usual bird this year.

I hope you all have a great day with your families and all the food, no matter what kind of bird you decide to eat!

November 21, 2010

Thanksgiving Week

Thanksgiving week is upon us!
The loads of food. The football. Family. The overeating.
Some get to decorating the house for Christmas as soon as the Turkey Day is over. Some hit the stores uber early when they should be hitting the gym instead.
Well, our thanksgiving doesn't look like that. Or, it won't. At least not this year.
We are having an off year this year. We're not sticking to any traditions. Except maybe pie.
My parents are having dinner; just keeping it small. Whether it's turkey, we still haven't decided. My husband mentioned enchiladas today and I think that caught my mom's attention. So we shall see what happens.
Friday we are planning on taking the weekend and going to San Antonio. From what I know, they light up the Riverwalk. So we'll be heading there. AND!!! IKEA!!! Marcos will have his first IKEA experience. Hehehe! I'm excited.
IKEA is pretty much my favorite store. Ever.

November 19, 2010

Name Stealer

I have been at it all day long. I have been searching for other boy baby names.
At the beginning of my pregnancy I bought a baby name book. My husband and I took turns going through each and every section of the book, highlighting the names we liked. We originally had two boy names picked out because we couldn't agree on any others. One of the terrible part of all this, the book has 100,001 names.
So like I said, we had two. Yep. Had. Now we only have one.
My brother-in-law and his wife had their first baby this past Tuesday. Of all the names in the world, what do you think the chances are that they picked one of the two names we had? They did. I don't know the "technical" facts of how likely that was. I just know that it happened.
It's all good though. I just am blown away that they would pick one of our names.
Now I'm just glad that my cousin isn't due before me. So she can't steal any of the remaining names! :o)

Congratulations to Miguel and his wife on the birth of their little one!
You're in our thoughts and prayers!

November 8, 2010

Baby Registries and Milk

When it came time to register for our wedding, I did it alone. I had hoped that Mr. H could have been there with me to find the things we wanted and need for our future home. [And to have fun with the awesome scanner that they let you use!] Thinking towards the future though, I just brushed it off thinking that he'd be here when the time came to register for the baby. But yet again, it didn't happen. The baby shower planning urged me to go at it without him.
I registered at Target and later at BabiesRUs. Let me just tell you. When you girls register, don't register exclusively at Target. I, myself, LOVE Target and only wish there was a Super Target nearby. BUT! When it comes to registering for baby, there are other great places to shop.
Now, have you seen the State Farm commercial where the guy drives across the street to save a few cents on gas? Well that's me. I do that. And why wouldn't I? I need to save all the money I can. Those few cents add up fast. So, being little poor me, I have tried hunting down the sales of the week and cheaper clothing stores for baby. So here are some of my findings, which aren't many, and a few ideas at locating good deals...
  • BabiesRUs has a rewards membership that is offered to you for free when you register with them. Once you sign up, they send you coupons that you can only use with your special mommy membership! [We saved more than $10 on our diaper bag!]
  • Check out the 'Target Weekly Ad' on or sign up for email updates and reminders. They often have sales on major baby items. [About two months ago, you could buy a crib and get the changing table for free. Sadly, we were in Juarez during that sale and missed out.]
  • I have come to find out that most stores, like JcPenny, Kohls and Macy's, all sell clothes from Carter's. They have a Carter's outlet store about twenty minutes from here and boy was I happy to find it. This may seem silly but when the clothes at popular stores are priced even a few dollars more than if you were to buy them directly from the originator, you save big bucks. So look for stores like Carter's, especially if you live near an outlet mall. [It made for a pretty fun date! So even if it's far just turn the trip into a date.]
  • Shop online! Some stores now allow you to find things online and have them shipped to the store nearest you with no shipping fees. So many things, especially baby related, aren't sold in stores.
  • IKEA! My favorite store ever! They have baby bedding, baby toys, furniture for baby and much more. If you shop at IKEA, you know that their prices beat any other's by a long shot. So for me to find cute affordable baby stuff at my favorite store, I am happily waiting for our next trip there.
  • Ok this is just a little tip for those who, like me, didn't know where to begin with their registry. REGISTER FOR EVERYTHING! Anything from outlet covers to diapers to toys & books. Have fun with that clicker and scan it all! [Register for loads of diapers & wipes] Stores like Target and BabiesRUs give you a discount on things remaining on your registry after the baby is born. So if you have diapers on there, you can get them with that discount!
Pardon me if this is old news for some of you readers. I just know that I have searched for "new mommy blogs" for advice and info like this and haven't found it. So I've decided to try and help those of you readers who need just as much help as I have.

Now, I have a statement. And a question.
I am getting kind of anxious. I have this sudden urge to clean my car from top to bottom. And then I want to install the car seat. Is it to soon?

Do any of you have food allergies? I think I might have brought this up before but I can't help myself. I am lactose intolerant. Or at least, I used to be. For the past 3 months or so, I have been drinking milk. At the beginning I was surprised that if I had yogurt or even a small glass of milk with my cookie, I wouldn't feel sick. So I started to add it little by little into my week. Every few days I would drink a glass of milk. Now, I don't drink whole milk or even 1% for that matter; I drink skim. I'm not sure what would happen if I drank thicker, creamier milk. I don't think I'll try it though. Now that it's been cooling off at night and into the morning [it's been in the 50s and even the 40s at night] I've been treating myself to some hot chocolate and even some caffeine free spiced chai! The best part? Not getting sick. The worst part? Running out of milk. This has never happened to me before! Praise God [and baby!] that I can enjoy some dairy products. I only hope that this lasts beyond my pregnancy.

November 1, 2010

Fun Size

Just a quick thought.
"Fun size" candy bars.
Who came up with that phrase?
It's not fun when you have to eat about one hundred of them just to feel satisfied.
Maybe it's just the pregnancy talking.