March 1, 2011

Facebook & Breakfast

Today, we the blog, started up our Facebook page. It took a little while but I finally hit the submit button after feeding the baby a time or two. So feel free to go and "Like" us. As disappointing as it is, I don't have any rewards or prizes for you if you do like other awesome blogs out there. Maybe in the future though. Just maybe.

Mommyhood, as I like to call it, is getting much easier. I am more inspired and seem to have more energy these last of couple days. [Let's just pray that it continues]. The number of showers per week are increasing. I'm way better at decoding my son's cries and pretty much know what he needs before the boo boo lip makes its appearance. [Which sadly, is one of the cutest things EVER]. Breakfast is actually taking place at normal hours instead of five or eleven. Things are just starting to flow.

Speaking of breakfast! I have been thinking that I need to make it a goal to make breakfast awesome! No more cereal every morning with an occasional pancake special. Breakfast and lunch are the two meals we can have as a family, since my husband works nights. In most homes, dinner is the big important meal where most families have the major, more fulfilling bonding moments. For us it's going to be breakfast. I want to master different crepes and other home made goodness to make it as delicious [and fun, once my son can eat with us] as possible. And then I'll just eat cereal as my midnight snack. Sounds like a plan!
So, what do you enjoy for breakfast? 

[Please forgive me if I just dissed your cereal].

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