May 18, 2010

My First Appointment

I had my first OB appointment yesterday. My original plan had been to go to a doctor in the states, well that changed. I made an appointment at a clinic at the earliest they could get me in, which ended up being at 4. I found out that she doesn't even get to the office until then. What? I mean, what does she do all day?

So, trying not to be bothered I waited all day and went back at 4. 4:05, 4:10, 4:15, 4:20... nothing. So I asked the guy at the desk, who by the way looked like he'd been trying out too many meds in his spare time, and he had no idea where she was. So I left my number and headed out. I went with my husband to a new hospital they're building because they had the same doctor's name on their list. She wasn't there but thankfully they gave us directions to her personal office. So after waiting all day I finally saw her at around!

She was so incredibly nice, and thankfully not creepy!

I knew that at my first OB appointment I'd have urine and blood tests but I didn't think I'd have an ultrasound! Yeah! I had my first ultrasound!!! I was excited but nothing like my husband. Marcos couldn't believe that he could actually see it and it's heart beating.

I admit that I was excited but I think I was just relieved that there was only one heart beat! I don't know what I would have done if there was more than one.

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